Brioche Crochet - Short Rows
As promised in the previous post, I bring in this tutorial a technique for making decreases in brioche crochet using short rows. This technique allows you to create unique effects and shape pieces with smooth transitions, as done in this cardigan: Although brioche is considered an advanced technique in crochet and requires some practice, it is well worth investing time in learning it because it allows you to create unique pieces made from a soft, textured, and elastic fabric. There is more than one way to do the decrease with short rows. The technique I show here is just one of them. Soon, I will make another tutorial demonstrating another technique that is also…
Brioche Crochet
Brioche crochet is a technique that adds depth, elasticity and texture to your piece. Please don't be intimidated by the name or the fact that it's a specific technique, because all it takes is a little practice to become familiar with it and be able to create unique pieces with the stitches used in this technique. In this tutorial I teach one of the stitches in brioche crochet that most closely resembles the most commonly used brioche stitch in knitting. In the next tutorials I'll teach you how to make decreases and increases to create beautiful effects and shape your pieces.Description:Yarn over, insert the hook into the third loop of the stitch, and pull up a loop and pull directly through...
Mattress stitch seam
There are various techniques for joining crochet pieces with an invisible seam, but as I like simplicity I'm going to show you a way that can be done from both the wrong and right sides of the piece. In the example below, the piece is positioned with the wrong side facing up, but it can be done on both sides, it just depends on the result you want. If you do it from the right side of the work, that is, with the right side facing you, the result will be reverse mattress stitch, which also has a very nice effect. See here how to do the reverse mattress stitch. It's very easy to make mattress stitch seam on...
Separating the sleeves on a crochet blouse with a double crochet instead of chains.
Learn how to separate the sleeves of a crochet blouse by using double crochet stitches instead of chains. The same process can be used for the base of any piece instead of the chain cord. This technique can be applied to all basic crochet stitches.This is another way to start a crochet piece with the foundation row being the same stitch as the following rows. And just as it happens when we start with the double chain cord foundation that I already taught here, This base has more elasticity than the traditional simple chain base.Check out the video where I show this step-by-step. If you have any questions...
Double Chain Cord Foundation
Did you know that there are several ways to start a crochet project? The most common is a simple chain cord. For many projects this is the best choice, especially when the piece needs a more solid edge, such as when the following rows are worked with openwork stitches. It is also faster to work. Okay, but sometimes a more elastic foundation is preferable, for example when you are working a garment, or when the next rows are in similar stitches. You can make this initial base with any of the basic crochet stitches, for example: double chain, half double crochet, double...
TBO – tubular bind off
In this tutorial I show you how to bind off socks knitted from the toe using the TBO - tubular bind off - technique. Tubular bin-off may seem a little complicated at first glance, but it's not. Believe me, you can do it if you just keep your attention. Focus is everything! The finish is elegant because it maintains the structure of the stitches and the elasticity of the garment. It is ideal for blouses, hats, socks or any garment finished with 1×1 ribbing, which is nothing more than a purl stitch alternated with a knit stitch. To do this, use a tapestry needle. It doesn't matter...
Fleegle heel: How to turn heel...Knitting socks.
Knitting socks can be an adventure, especially when it comes to shaping the heel and the most tense part is precisely the heel turn. There are several techniques for knitting the heel of a sock, each with its pros and cons, but today I'm going to talk about one that is very little remembered or shared. I'm talking about the Fleegle heel: a technique created by blogger Fleegle in 2006 According to its creator, it's a sock pattern without flaps and without complications, and I would add without holes, because the fact that some techniques leave holes has always bothered me a lot. I won't go into the personal considerations of myself or...
Judy's magic cast on - Alternative way
Neste vídeo, mostro a você uma maneira alternativa de montar os pontos usando o método criado por Judy Becker. O resultado é o mesmo. Eu já disse aqui que gosto mais de fazer a montagem turca, mas recentemente fiz uma meia usando a montagem da Judy Becker. Na verdade usei seu método com uma pequena variação que, no meu ponto de vista, simplifica sem afetar o resultado. O vídeo é curto e objetivo, e seguindo o padrão que adotei, não tem áudio nem qualquer distração mas é bastante descritivo. Primeiro mostro como calcular a quantidade de fio necessária para montar os pontos. Em seguida faço a montagem de alguns pontos.…
Slipped stitch pattern in two colors.
It is a very simple pattern that produces a weave with texture and at the same time elasticity. In this example the work is done with only two colors and the only stitches used are the basic knitting stitches; the knit stitch (K) and the purl stitch (P).
LLI and RLI - Left and Right Lifted Increases
LLI and RLI are the abbreviations for Left and Right Lifted Increases. There are many techniques for knitting increases and this is just one of them. I personally really like this technique and have already used it in several of my patterns.
Tunisian knit stitch
In this article I will present the Tunisian knit stitch that has that name because the result is the same as the knit stitch in knitting.
How to increase the Cross Double Crochet
It's super simple. After executing the cross double crochet, the increase is made in the same stitch where it was…
Cross Double Crochet or #crossdoublecrochet
The #crossdoublecrochet or Cross double crochet is very simple to perform and creates a very beautiful effect in the weave.
Join knitting in the round without a gap
Working in circles in knitting can be a little tricky for beginners, but don't be intimidated by it, face it as another challenge that you will sail through. If you want to make pieces without seams or with few seam areas, you need to learn to work in a circle.
German cast-on for cuff-down socks
The German cast-on is very easy and is great when we need to knit a piece with a stretch edge. It's ideal for pieces that start at the hem or cuff like cuff-down socks, mittens, hat brims… and wherever else you think an stretch edge will look cool.
Turkish cast-on knitted in Portuguese style for making toe-up socks
Step-by-step instructions on how to make the Turkish cast-on for making toe-up socks starting from the toes. The difference lies in the style, which in this case is the Portuguese style.
Fake double crochet
In this step-by-step I show you how to start a row with a false double crochet instead of the usual two or three chains.
Crochet Magic Loop
If you want to make amigurumis or any circular crochet piece it's cool to learn how to make the magic loop. Using this technique to start any circle you avoid that little hole in the center that in many works may not be desirable.
Half double crochet-back loop (hdc-blo) and Half double crochet-back loop only-slip stitch (hdc-blo-slst)
This crochet stitch creates a knit-ribbing-like effect, it can be done horizontally or vertically (working side by side). The video shows how to make three loops (hdc-blo) and create a wider rib. Below I explain how to make two loops (hdc-blo-slst) for a tighter rib.