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LLI and RLI - Left and Right Lifted Increases

LLI and RLI are the abbreviations for Left and Right Lifted Increases. There are many techniques for knitting increases and this is just one of them. I personally really like this technique and have already used it in several of my patterns.

When used in intervals with more than one row without increases, the result is quite discreet, and when done just one row apart – as shown in this short tutorial – it creates a very nice texture. How you use it and what effect it has depends on the pattern you are following or creating.

LLI - Left Lifted Increase

To make the left lifted increase you should lift the stitch two rows below the stitch knitted on your right needle and put it on your left needle, then knit it through the back loop.

LLI - Aumento inclinado à esquerda.
lift the stitch two rows below the stitch knitted on your right needle
LLI - Aumento inclinado à esquerda.
and put it on your left needle, then knit it through the back loop

RLI - Right Lifted Increase

Right lifted increase is done in the stitch on the left needle that has not yet been worked. You should insert the needle into the stitch located one row below the stitch on your left needle, lift the stitch through the right leg and place it on the left needle. Knit this stitch.

RLI - Aumento inclinado à direita.
insert the needle into the stitch located one row below the stitch on your left needle
RLI - Aumento inclinado à direita.
lift the stitch through the right leg and place it on the left needle. Knit this stitch

Watch a short video showing how to run:

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