Turkish cast-on knitted in Portuguese style for making toe-up socks
Step-by-step instructions on how to make the Turkish cast-on for making toe-up socks starting from the toes. The difference lies in the style, which in this case is the Portuguese style.
Este é o meu método preferido para montagem, ele é simples e fácil de executar além disso a meia fica totalmente sem costuras. Já fiz meias usando o método Magic cast-on da Judy Becker which can be found on their website, but Turkish cast-on I do it more naturally.
Step by step:

The yarn should be between the two needles.

And pull the needle from below.

Then just knit normally the stitches on this needle.

Now just keep doing the increases until you get the width of the foot.
Check out the video where I show this step-by-step.
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